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Detailing in Edmonton, AB

Get your vehicle looking as good as new with our detailing services at Alberta Honda.

Detail Services at Alberta Honda

Detailing makes your vehicle look, and perform, better from its interior to its exterior. Our Honda Service team ensures your car, SUV, minivan or truck looks good while protected against environmental concerns. Our Honda dealership provides three levels of detailing service specific to your Honda vehicle. The Alberta Honda service department is home to our professional detailing specialists, who will help you get the most out of your vehicle!

Why Should You Detail Your Car?

Detailing does more than just making your vehicle look fresh and clean, it's also about maintaining its high level of safety, too. Proper detailing balances both the aesthetic improvements along with maintaining the functional parts. Similar to servicing your vehicle under-the-hood, you also have to improve its exterior health through detailing. Take a look below at some of the most important areas to drill down on when detailing your vehicle.

Paint Health

Paint protects the metal underneath, but it also needs to be protected as well. Cleaning, waxing and polishing will extend your paint's health to further prevent rust and corrosion.

Improved Lighting

You may not even notice it, but your headlights and taillights can easily accrue a sheen of dirt that could limit their power. Cleaning off this grime can increase your safety in both dark and bad weather situations.

Interior Shape

Over time and through continual use, your interior can easily get beaten down, whether through bad smells, fading material or dirty insides. Not only that, but it helps improve its resale value, should the time come.

Road Salt

If you don't properly care for the damage accumulating in your wheel wells from salt build-up, it can result in even worse and permanent harm.

Tires and Wheels

Your tires and wheels often suffer the brunt of heavy wear on the roads, so regular maintenance is an absolute must so they don't break down. The road invites everything from solvents to oils to chemicals to easily break down and affect your tires/wheels, so proper maintenance is key.

Schedule an Appointment at Alberta Honda

Scheduling a detailing appointment with us at Alberta Honda is simple. Fill out the booking form below, give our dealership a call at 780-474-8595, or come visit us in person at 9525 127 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T5E 6M7. For any other questions, or inquiries, please get in touch, we're always happy to assist with your Honda maintenance and service needs.